
What Sets PA Files Apart

With so many consultants and agencies out there, policy and benefits planning can be a confusing maze to navigate on top of your already busy schedule managing your company’s day-to-day operations. You need to know why PA Files is a sound choice for you.

Here are a few reasons to consider…

We Put Our Clients Needs First.

We treat each client as unique. Our ongoing holistic consultative approach separates us from the industry norm. More than just Insurance and Employee Benefits, we offer solutions that positively enhance your competitive hiring edge and your bottom line.

We Provide Current Best Practices.

“Knowledge is power” has never been more true. Innovative options like Self Insured and Risk Mitigation strategies evolve rapidly. It’s not just what you know but can apply it in time. Preemptive annual audits find opportunities that others might miss.

We Partner With Your Business.

It’s more than just keeping in touch that is important. Using the latest in technical analytics, we help clients identify quarterly changes in their business that could impact their coverage options and cost —before the renewal date is upon them.

We Are Active In The Industry.

Over 40 years of leadership and national relationships in the field add value to our council and create better outcomes for companies, employees, and communities. In addition, staying active ensures our strategies and sourcing are up-to-date.